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Elio Galli - Elio Galli



Band Description

He is a storyteller, whether it be through music or art, there will be a story in there somewhere. For him, each song must have there own fingerprint, identity and personality, no two songs should ever sound the same.

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Artist Biography

Elio Galli is an Australian songwriter/artist who is based in Melbourne,Australia

Elio is a songwrite /artist without boundaries who allows himself to develop and enhance a humanist beat that will always be eternal.

He is a storyteller, whether it be through music or art, there will be a story in there somewhere. For him, each song must have there own fingerprint, identity and personality, no two songs should ever sound the same. Our task is to find that story which means something to each of us.

Elio Galli moves from one genre to another with ease, the eclectic melodies and influences that inspire him, often challenges the very core of his talent. As an artist he seems to relish in all that encompasses the realm of creativity. He takes all the aspects of life and reflects it back as music and art, to either celebrate a moment of ones life, or mourn the passinng of innocence or the split second where something is lost. The journey is to always create and inspire the listener or viewer, to also take time out of life, to stop and smell the roses, in this case to listen to a song or look at a work of art.

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