Location: Manhattan Beach, CA, USA
Introducing Big Mess the band who loves to have fun and entertain. Big Mess is a band of veteran musicians who enjoy laughing and having a good time and most of all playing music. You could make a reality show out of them on and off stage. So list
Press Release:
Big Mess will be starting a collage radio campaign In Sept.
2010 Winner best music video "other Venice Film Festival"
Big Mess is a band of veteran musicians who enjoy laughing and having a good time and most of all playing music.
You could make a reality show out of them on and off stage. Everything they do is a group effort they write play sing drink and joke around together.
That’s what makes them so much fun they like people they like hanging out and they even like each other. If you like Green Day, Weezer or Bowling for Soup you will love Big Mess.
The band members are Chad Carrier-Bass and Vocals Rex Bailey-Guitar and Vocals and Bernie Deal-Drums and Vocals so listen to the music and come and enjoy a show with the band that is bringing fun and excitement back into music.
Email bigmessband@msn.com
Web Site Myspace.com/bigmess1
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RadioInterDual?ref=hl#!/pages/Big-Mess/17663777890?fref=ts
Contact, Chad Carrier 310 617-4093
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