About Me

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Webpage: http://mariofcobos.wordpress.com

Location: Robledo de Chavela, Madrid, España

Mario F. Cobos's first album, Entre los huecos del otoño (Among autumn hollows), consists of ten intimist and reflexive works, soft and appealling to your ear, fascinating to listen to. Mainly piano solos, in three of those works the piano is accompa

Mario F. Cobos is an autodidact creator, heterodox and follower of trends and currents in the independent music, with which he fully identifies As his works show, it's a composer of such peculiar personality that he makes of his creations unique works gifted with great sensitivity and suggestive creativity. With the piano as an absolute star, his compositions follow a classic-contemporary style with certains nuances of intimist jazz. Nature in all its notes and states is one of his main inspiration sources, taking you to a world of feelings that his music knows how to encounter and helps to appease. Followers of his work see in his music simplicity and subtlety. Sometimes minimalist, grandiose at moments and always faithful to his style and music conception, Mario F. Cobos opens himself to the world with the releasing of his first album, where he gathers ten smooth, sensitive pieces that concentrate the very best of his inner world.

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